Heather McHugh

Heather McHugh, a poet, translator, educator and caregiverrespite provider, was born in San Diego, California, to Canadian parents. They raised McHugh in Gloucester Point, Virginia. There, her father directed the marine biological laboratory on the York River. She began writing poetry at age five and claims to have become an expert eavesdropper by the age of twelve. At the age of seventeen, she entered Harvard University. One notable work was Hinge amp Sign Poems 19681993, which won the Bingham Poetry Prize of the Boston Book Review and the PollackHarvard Review Prize, and which was named by The New York Times Book Review a Notable Book of the Year. Another was Glottal Stop Poems by Paul Celan which, with Nikolai B. Popov, she cotranslated and introduced the book won the Griffin International Poetry Prize.


Source: Wikipedia